Our Tools.
Your Success.

Discover what it takes to become a Certified Habit Finder Coach.
Get clients, impact lives, and get paid. Take your career to the next level.


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Attract clients and impact lives.

Habit Finder Coaches learn how to attract clients and impact lives using three key tools: The Habit Finder Assessment, the Coaching Practicum, and Coach Resources.

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How do I get clients?

The Habit Finder Assessment is an exciting and engaging lead magnet to attract clients as well as a powerful and comprehensive instrument that explores six primary areas for measuring habits of thinking, while also showcasing the coach’s expertise, experience, and intuitive insight.

How can I impact lives?

The Coaching Practicum explores the Six Success Habits, each relating to one of the six areas of the assessment, and provides the tools to help shift unhealthy habits of thinking. The practicum is the blueprint for creating change.

How can I keep improving?

Coach Resources include ongoing industry-leading business training, a proven coaching model, and organizational tools for a successful coaching business. Our coaches collaborate regularly to share ideas, brainstorm solutions, and offer support.

Habit Finder Assessment

Many popular personality tests use inductive science, and through a series of well-constructed questions, subjectively diagnose a person with a personality label. The Habit Finder Assessment, coined the “un-personality test,” goes deeper. It uses deductive science to mathematically and objectively measure how a person thinks - the real drivers of personality and behavior. The assessment does not label who you are or what you think, but rather sheds light on unconscious tendencies and HOW you think.
Habit Finder coaches receive comprehensive, proprietary training on how to use this dynamic tool in any industry. Following the assessment training, coaches can harness the power of the assessment and start debriefing and attracting clients right away. Using the assessment, many coaches sign up their first client before completing the entire coach training.

Powerful lead magnet

Free to take

Entirely online

Takes 10 to 15 minutes

Driven by mathematics

Can't be manipulated

6.4 quadrillion variations

“The bottom line is, no matter what my education - and I have a lot of it - I’ve never found anything like Habit Finder when it comes to identifying habits of thinking and helping people make shifts.”

Kelly Rife, PhD
Human Behavior Specialist

Habit Finder Assessment Screen

Inner World

My Dreams

My Joy

My Self

Outer World




Imagine having a resource that provides a unique opportunity to identify, with laser accuracy, specific challenges your potential clients are facing. You’ll have them wondering, “How could you possibly know that about me?” You can use this targeted information to maximize your client’s time, energy, and resources and give them the greatest return on their investment.

Six Success Habits


Connection with People

Connection is at the foundation of all our lives. Learn and apply the principles of Intrinsic Validation and find the most powerful ways to connect, communicate, and understand. This Success Habit sets the path for every other habit.


Dream Creation

Our minds are more powerful than we realize. Learn to create a vivid vision for your life and mission. Avoid using this gift to catastrophize or explore escape/avoid fantasies and discover how to use visualization constructively to ignite passion for your dreams.


Work—Physical Creation

Learn to make the present your permanent residence by eliminating the noise of procrastination and diluted multi-tasking. Learn how Power Sessions can get you off the sidelines and working proactively because you want to, get to, and choose to.



Discover how to quiet an overactive mind and willingly let go of resistance, resentment, and rebellion to embrace the structure needed to create success. Structure is your greatest support, not your stumbling block.


Joy in the Journey

Learn how to own your unique clay—your natural strengths, talents, and challenges. Learn to turn enthusiasm into commitment, infatuation into love, optimism into resilience.




Learn how to be real, genuine and authentic—comfortable in your own skin. Release the tethers that have sabotaged your true self. Discover how to build confidence in your ability as you experience success, happiness, and peace of mind.


Are your habits of thinking supporting you or sabotaging your pursuit of success?

The Coach Practicum helps individuals and organizations learn how to engage in life, embrace principles, connect and serve, create value, and contribute meaningfully to the world around them.

Coaching from the practicum leads clients to create unparalleled levels of success, happiness, and peace of mind that do not just happen - they are intentionally created.

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As a Habit Finder Coach you can have practicums drop-shipped to your clients.

No need to keep track of inventory or hassle with shipping.

Our mission is your success!

As you complete the Coach Certification and launch into new levels of success, the quest to improve never ceases. Our coaches stay connected in the Habit Finder Coach Community with regular collaboration and commraderie.

Weekly Coach
Mastermind Calls

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Coaches Retreats

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Access to
Habit Finder Courses

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The Habit Finder office support team is also readily available to assist with practicum shipping, coach portal troubleshooting, and support as you take on your new venture!

A successful author, public speaker, and executive coach, Dave has inspired thousands at large venues, facilitated incredible results with hundreds of organizations, fortified numerous marriages, and helped individuals maximize strengths and jettison unhealthy thinking habits.

Invest in Your Future

Can you put a price on your success? Tuition for coach certification is a small investment compared to your future earning potential. The $10,000 tuition includes extensive assessment training, immersion into the Six Success Habits, and ongoing Coaching Resources with a membership to the Habit Finder Coach Community.

Enroll now to begin an incomparable experience in coaching and a springboard to your future!

*Payment plans are available.


Habit Finder Assessment

Spend two weeks training with Dave Blanchard about the mathematical construct and proper application of assessment data. With a combination of self-guided online learning and live virtual meetings, learn the complex and fascinating power of the assessment tool.

2 Weeks

Habit Finder Coaching

Spend twelve weeks with Paul Blanchard in weekly zoom sessions diving into the background, philosophy, and application of each Success Habit. Also learn coaching best practices, sales and business training, and how to use all the resources available to our certified coaches.

12 Weeks