Step #1: Rank the following 18 words and phrases


When considering a phrase, simply ask,

  • Is this a good thing or bad thing?

  • Is this a positive idea or negative idea?

If it is a good thing or a positive idea it belongs toward the top. If it is a bad thing or negative idea it belongs toward the bottom.

  • Simply drag the most valuable good thing or positive idea to the top.

  • Drag the least valuable bad thing or negative idea to the bottom.

The remaining phrases are ranked somewhere in between based on their value from good to bad, from best to worst.

Please do not over think the process. Please keep it simple. It should only take 5-7 minutes to complete this section.

To the left you will find 18 words or phrases. Each of these words or phrases represents something an individual may place different "values," good or bad - depending on their own thoughts about how good or bad it is.

When considering a phrase, simply ask, “Is this a good thing or a bad thing?” Good things are listed in the top half. Bad things are listed in the bottom half.

For example: Left click and drag the phrase to the top which you think has the highest (most) value--that is, the best. Left click and drag the phrase to the second position which you think represents the next best (second best) value.

Left click and drag the phrase to the bottom which you think has the lowest (least) value--that is, the worst. Left click and drag the phrase to the second lowest position which you think represents the next worst (second worst) value.

Drag and drop all of the remaining phrases in the same way, third best, then third worst, and so on to show the order of their respective values to you.

Do not judge the expressions by the importance or whether or not you are doing this, only by the goodness or badness of their content.

Decide quickly how you feel about each of the phrases.

Once you are satisfied, move to the next stage by clicking the button below.


When considering a phrase, simply ask, “Is this a good thing or bad thing, a positive idea or negative idea?” Currently, you may not be doing it or even like doing it, but if it is a good thing or a positive idea it belongs toward the top. If it is a bad thing or negative idea it belongs toward the bottom.

Simply drag the most valuable good thing or positive idea to the top. Drag the least valuable bad thing or negative idea to the bottom. The remaining phrases are ranked somewhere in between based on their value from good to bad, positive to negative.

Please do not over think the process. Please keep it simple. It should only take 10-15 minutes to complete.

To the left you will find 18 words or phrases. Each of these words or phrases represents something an individual may place different "values," good or bad - depending on their own thoughts about how good or bad it is.

When considering a phrase, simply ask, “Is this a good thing or a bad thing?” Good things are listed in the top half. Bad things are listed in the bottom half.

For example: Left click and drag the phrase to the top which you think has the highest (most) value--that is, the best. Left click and drag the phrase to the second position which you think represents the next best (second best) value.

Left click and drag the phrase to the bottom which you think has the lowest (least) value--that is, the worst. Left click and drag the phrase to the second lowest position which you think represents the next worst (second worst) value.

Drag and drop all of the remaining phrases in the same way, third best, then third worst, and so on to show the order of their respective values to you.

Do not judge the expressions by the importance or whether or not you are doing this, only by the goodness or badness of their content.

Decide quickly how you feel about each of the phrases.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • 13
  • 14
  • 15
  • 16
  • 17
  • 18
  • Creating quality in a timely manner
  • A brilliant idea
  • A ridiculous idea
  • A speeding ticket
  • Procrastination
  • A person's beliefs
  • Utterly destroying something of great value
  • Punishing someone with an opposing view
  • Unwanted interruptions and distractions
  • A person's appearance, skills, and contributions
  • The miracle of life
  • Human sex-trafficking
  • Passion for what I do
  • Radical ideology
  • Using your time and resources wisely
  • Disgusting behavior
  • Love of order and structure
  • Respect for authority